Ty went on his first road trip to Colorado this past week! He truly was a superstar, and a perfect gentleman for the 10-11 hours of traveling each way. We went to visit Jenney and Tom, and thanks to Jenney Ty is now an official coo-er! The coo's come non-stop now.

We hit a big thunderstorm yesterday morning and this was our reward for horrible travel conditions.
This gas station may have been a bit sketchy, but the view was fabulous!

The drive was GORGEOUS, but unfortunately all the best photo opps occurred while Ty was sound asleep. There was no way the car was stopping while he was asleep! We took these shots from another gas station.

Still trying to capture the elusive smile. I'll get it one of these days.

PS- Our rain just turned to snow here in Utah!! Sure glad we got home yesterday.