Solid food has been on the menu for Ty lately, and he is starting to enjoy it! He is now grabbing whole pieces of fruit, bits of food off a plate, and even some select goodies off a spoon (who can resist avocado, right Carter?). Eating has made for some fun pictures, especially when there is nectarine dripping down his face. In the two weeks since I've posted, Bucky has gone out in the field for 8 days, and the heat has settled into Utah. All last week was between 95 and 100 with no break in sight. Unless you consider 92 a break! We missed the July 4th activities as Ty was fighting a nasty fever, but all is well now. He has started taking the occasional steps, but nothing close to full time yet. Hopefully we will catch that on video soon!
The nectarine series.

Yogurt face.

Cherry faces.

Dog love time (which by the way, he is now saying!)

A cute series of Ty and Sophie.

Bed head!

Ty's first 98 degree heat!

Post parade.

A new favorite hang-out on the hot days. South Ogden's new splash pad. They even have short anad gentle streams of water for the little babies. Ty loves it, as well as enjoys watching the big kids.

Sporting Sophie's sunglasses.

More fruit pics.

I wish I could remember what they were looking at.

Thanks Hammah for the cute swim suit. Ty was the hunk of the splash pad!