Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not As Easy

Taking pics of Ty isn't nearly as easy as it used to be. Of course it doesn't help that my camera battery was dead for weeks. I charged it yesterday and pulled out the camera to take a few photos today, and of course now Ty WANTS the camera. Since he's a speedy little guy, he can generally get to me and the camera before the photo even displays on the screen. All the videos we've been trying to take the last fews weeks have always resulted in him immediately stopping whatever adorable or hysterical activity he was doing and running to me yelling for the camera. Hmmm, guess I'll need to get creative! Enjoy these few pics for now!

The face of "I can't believe you are not going to give me that camera."

Thanks Auntie B and Uncle Mike for Ty's balance bike. He can finally ride it as long as he has shoes on!

Trouble I tell ya, trouble!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's Been a While

I'm not sure where I've been but it hasn't been taking pictures or writing posts! I've just included one photo from the missed luxury of the Bahamas. The weather is finally starting to warm up and our snow is melting. Ty and I worked outside most of the afternoon today- what a luxury! Bucky was inside cutting tile for our master bathroom. With any luck the floor will be finished this week and maybe I'll pull out the camera again. :) The bathroom is looking good!

The good life!

Ty helping take the doors off the bathroom vanity before refinishing it. Such a boy, he LOVES tools!