Ty and I can't wait for Bucky to come home Friday! Originally they were scheduled to only work until today, but the bad weather has caused them to skip some work days and extend their field schedule. It will be 12 days total that they are gone, and Ty can't wait to see his Dad! Ty is getting more and more physically active as the days go one. The rolling has been sporadic, but he is getting very good as scooting around on both his back and belly. He is also grabbing for toys all the time. What a good boy he's been to me while Bucky has been gone!
Trying to roll.

Look how far I can lift my head up!

Whew, I'm pooped!

Yeah, the exer-saucer!

If I hit this, it plays music.

These keys are fun too!
I cannot believe how into his saucer he is!! It is incredible to see him reaching for things on it...Carter just chews on the seat of his jumperoo. I guess toys are not his thing yet! We are counting the days with you until Bucky comes home...we know you are ready for a little break. Take care and talk to you soon!
I hadn't noticed these comments until now... fun!! So... have I mentioned that I have the cutest nephew EVER?! He is totally into the e-saucer. I love the one of him concentrating. So glad that Bucky will be home tomorrow - yahoo! Night night!! Love, Auntie Beth xxx
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