The title says it all. Almost a foot and a half of snow since yesterday morning. More expected today! I haven't seen a snowfall like this since living in New England...almost ten years ago!! It's a good thing Nana bought Ty a sled for Christmas. Once the snow stops falling we can go on a walk!

This was shovelled just a few hours before...

The snow bank the dogs have to leap over to get back into the house. Our metal roof creates quite the pile of snow!

Ty has been loving spending time on his tummy the last few days. He has learned how to get his knees under him for a few seconds at a time, so that's all he does. He has figured out rolling back to front, front to back now but doesn't seem to care. Getting himself off the ground has been taking the priority.

We had a great visit with Pattie and Rachel. Went out to Antelope Island on the salt lake where they have (you guessed it) antelope and also buffalo. Didn't see any antelope, but saw tons of buffalo and a bald eagle!

Yes, buffalo way out in the distance. You can click on the pic to enlarge it. We did see some close to the car but stupidly didn't take any pictures. :(