He is still a happy guy, just waking up more often at night. He's still spending a lot of time working out on the floor (hence all the pics being from that angle) and can get all the way up on his hands and knees for a split second (no pic of that yet). I'm trying to cherish his "stationary" time now since it seems that won't last much longer!
Teething is coming too, but who knows how quickly. You can now see the outlines of the two bottom teeth, but nothing popping through the gums yet nor does he seem bothered by it.
Look Mom, no hands!
Ty at the end of a giggle fit from watching the dogs. Should have put a bib on him!!
Well, if he isn't the cutest critter I've ever seen! Nana
I'm sure you've had tons of people tell you already but you're lucky to have kept him so healthy for so long. I must say I was lucky and never had to deal with croup but had always heard how scary it was. The girls, expecially Katrina, always had ear infections. One good thing about not putting him in day care is he doesn't get every germ coming down the pike. I'm sorry you had such a scare and glad he's on the mend.
love, Kathy
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