It was about time to take more naked baby pics to fully embarrass Ty later in life. Here they are! Ty's attempts at crawling are coming along, but who knows when he'll put all the pieces together. He did finally remember that he can roll from his belly to back, and now combines both directions of rolling to get off the blanket while playing. He obviously wants to move, and this is the one way he can! Not too much to report other than MORE snow is coming down right now. The snow banks are higher than your head in some spots and that is before the 10+ inches they're predicting today. This is the most snow Utah has had in several decades!

Ty so conveniently plays with himself during bath time now that I didn't even have to do any editing!

"You lookin' at me?"

Gotta love the thighs!
Thank you so much for shamelessly taking pictures of Ty's bum. I just want to eat him!!!!
Do you have a liscence (sp?) for those eye lashes?????!!!!!
GA Go Patriots!!!!!!
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