We've been pretty blog-silent lately, so here are lots of the best pics since the last big post. Ty and I head out to the northeast tomorrow. We are visiting Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. Whew, all in ten days! Hopefully there will be lots of pics to add to the blog! Once we're back, it's going to be a busy month. There's Ty's birthday (!!), a trip to Boise for an agility trial and visit with friends, and then another big trip to Wisconsin and Michigan to visit the Johnson's, Willow, and Heather!

Where's Ty?

There he is!!

The best way to end a meal.

Mmmm, apricots!

Ty was in a trance while floating in the baby boat.

We went to SLC a few weekends ago to an Animal Planet Expo. Look how brave Ty and is when petting the TYger! :)

Ty's first experience with ice. He was eating a flavorless snowcone and loving it!

Hanging out with Ty's friend Piper at a Pioneer Day (Utah holiday) parade.

Taking a snooze at an agility trial this past weekend. There were about 15 comments of "wish I could nap too"!!

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