Yes that's right. I just said damn. Some of my friends' kids don't seem bothered one bit by teething. Suddenly they just have another tooth in their mouth! That did happen to us once, but for the most part I know exactly when Ty has started and stopped feeling teething pain. He has been an early teether with his first tooth pushing through at five months and three days old. Ty has been working on his molars for about two months now, and now the canines are deciding to join in the fun. I'm glad all the teeth are deciding to come through at once so we can have a break before the two-year molars, but man-oh-man is my sweet little monkey cranky! Luckily Ty is now book obsessed and generally easily distractable with a little effort. As of today Ty has eleven teeth!! Two molars have pushed the outer cusps through the gum and one canine has broken through. Woohoo, only five more to go! :) Here's to some fabulous nights of sleep when this is all through!

A typical pose.

Like I said, easily distractable! If you blow up the photo (click on it) you can see his bulging gums and some spinach stuck in his teeth! Yummy pesto spinach pizza.
Hate to burst your bubble, Mer, but after all the teeth come through the only thing that happens is you can no longer blame their fussiness on teething!!!! But, you have the cutest of all my great nephews that live in Utah!!!! Miss you all. GA
Holy can see the bulges! My hope for you: they all come in at once for one week of pure hell versus weeks upon weeks of agony!
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