After two eggs hunts, me driving an hour south of here to practice agility, and dinner with friends on Saturday night, we happily enjoyed a day at home Sunday. The weather was fabulous and we played outside most of the day. Peas, onions, lettuce, radishes, chives, spinach, cabbage, and swiss chard are up in the garden. Tomato and cuke seedlings are up in the house. I know spring is here but we keep getting teased with gorgeous weather and then bouts of snow. Hopefully the predicted snow showers this week will be our last for the season!
Sporting his favorite jammies and playing with dinos from the Pennsylvania easter bunny.
Checking out his new dino shirt (thanks Hammah and Poppop!)
Another easter bunny and despite this hilarious expression, Ty loved him. He can say bunny now (it sounds like bunn-ay) and had a hard time standing in line while yelling bunny!
Ty's easter egg hunt field. So many eggs, and luckily the city recycles the eggs each year. :)
About to start...
The loot!
A huge croc skull at the dino museum
Checking out the easter bunnies
A few of the 100+ replicas
My favorite
Nice view!
Uncovering some dino eggs
More eggs
The playground was of course equipped with many riddable dinos.
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