Thursday, December 20, 2007

Four Months Old!

Where has the time gone? I can not believe our little munchkin is 4 months old! In honor of his upcoming third of a birthday he has started rolling again. We've had a rolling lull for the last few weeks. He's trying his hardest to roll from his back to belly too. Enjoy the pics!!

PS- Ty weighed in at 16 pounds 4.5 ounces at his 4 month appt. this morning :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Toy + Mouth = Fun!

Yup, he's becoming a typical baby. Every fun toy needs a full inspection and that means sucking on it! It is very cute and entertaining for me. Hope all is well and not too snowy with everyone. We're slowly getting ready to head back to the east coast this weekend. First stop Pennsylvania then up to Massachusetts. Can't wait to see everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Visit from Jenney

Jenney and Tom were down in Park City for the weekend and were able to come up and visit yesterday. Some how we didn't up photographing Tom (woops!) but got some cute ones of Jenney and Ty. It was so great to see them!

I'm swinging while my Mom eats her lunch!

Snug as a bug but trying to break out with my hand.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Attempts at Pictures

I tried to take "formal" Christmas pictures of Ty today. Better luck next time! Didn't come up with a hands down winner, but did take a couple cuties and a few "I am done now Mom!!!" shots. Hope all is well with everyone! It's getting cold here, too cold for Ty to go on a walk today. :(

Ty the sumo wrestler!

This isn't fun anymore!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Drooling Fool

It has been like this for at least a month now, but yesterday Ty discovered how to purposely blow bubbles in is drool. Now this is his favorite thing to do! The pictures below are a cute series taken yesterday with drool present in just about every one! We didn't ended up getting as much snow as predicted. Only about 3 inches. Just enough to cover everything.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Here Comes the Snow!

Yeah for all of us, Bucky came home early last night! It's a good thing since they are predicting 6-12 inches of snow today and tomorrow! We'll see if we get it since right now it's pouring rain. After the initial need for sleep and food, Ty was tickled to have his Daddy home. He has recently discovered how to giggle, so the night was filled with smiling, giggling, and squeals! We caught some of it on camera (I am soooo bummed this picture is fuzzy when its enlarged).

Who, me?!

Of course I'm not going to keep smiling once you bring that camera out!

Close up!

Ty watching himself on the computer screen while I download. Who's that cute baby?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sure Can't Wait!

Ty and I can't wait for Bucky to come home Friday! Originally they were scheduled to only work until today, but the bad weather has caused them to skip some work days and extend their field schedule. It will be 12 days total that they are gone, and Ty can't wait to see his Dad! Ty is getting more and more physically active as the days go one. The rolling has been sporadic, but he is getting very good as scooting around on both his back and belly. He is also grabbing for toys all the time. What a good boy he's been to me while Bucky has been gone!

Trying to roll.

Look how far I can lift my head up!

Whew, I'm pooped!

Yeah, the exer-saucer!

If I hit this, it plays music.

These keys are fun too!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

And the rolling has begun!!

Ty has finally learned to roll over! I say finally because he has been getting increasingly more frustrated each time he's on his tummy. He was getting so close up until yesterday that you could tell he really wanted to get it! When I first put him down yesterday he rolled over three times to his right. Boom, boom, boom like he always knew how to do it. We tried again in the afternoon and he went for the left side. Ty is clearly a rightie because that side is far harder. I caught the action in photos it was so slow. See below!

Here I go, teetering on my side...

Shoot, I'm stuck. Can't quite figure out what to do now...

(three minutes later) Whew I made it!!

The view is great from up here!

Ty snug as a bug for our walk yesterday. It's getting cold!

We finally had some snow! The resorts have started making snow since its been so dry. We have our first snowboarding visitors coming for New Years. Yeah Pattie and Rachel!! Anyone else? We live 20 miles from the "Best Snow on Earth"!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Where's My Bottom Lip?

Ty's newest trick this week is sucking on his bottom lip when he's not chatting with you. It is pretty funny looking, and he is doing it more every day. Here's a picture of Ty not sucking on the lip so you have a clear picture of what he normally looks like...

And here is the lip sucking!

A bonus shot and another "he's going to hate you in 20 years for that photo"! This was taken while trying to capture the lip sucking. It is too funny not to post (too bad it's fuzzy)!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Day Photos

Some pictures from Ty's first Thanksgiving...

The boys and the table.

Ty wanting his Thanksgiving dinner NOW!

Ahh, full belly.

Ty loves to stand, and here he is showing off his skills. I think that's why he loves his exer-saucer so much. It's standing with fun things to look at!

He's getting really good at it too!