The boys and the table.
Ty wanting his Thanksgiving dinner NOW!
Ahh, full belly.
Ty loves to stand, and here he is showing off his skills. I think that's why he loves his exer-saucer so much. It's standing with fun things to look at!
He's getting really good at it too!
Ty's looks have changed! He's looking more and more like a little boy. My favorite is the second standing in the crib. That Thanksgivig table looked beautiful. How many of you were there? Cute outfit on Ty. As usual we missed you guys at Thanksgiving. Hope someday you're close enough to be there. Love this modern technology!
I agree with Kathy - his looks have indeed changed! What a handsome, appealing little baby boy you have. We miss you all and can't wait for Christmas!!! Nana
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