We don't know if it's the contrasting colors or constant action on the screen, but Ty loves to watch football! For all you New England fans it's not just the Patriots (sorry, although he was particularly vocal last night), it is any football team. Ty had a blast watching and cheering for the Pats last night. We were in and out of the living room fixing dinner and always knew when the game was back on because Ty started cooing and laughing. When he would get tired and fussy, he kept seeing the game and became happy all over. It was quite a funny night watching him.

Yeah, I can finally fit into the overalls
Hammah and
Poppop gave me!!

How 'bout them Packers, Ty!!
My check of Ty's blog was finally successful! Love the outfit. I used to take pictures of the girls in all my favorite outfits .. well ... I did for Katrina poor Gretchen got gypped ... you know how that goes .. you being a second child and all. We were all cooing with delight over that game last night! Hope we hear from you on Thanksgiving!
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