Friday, January 25, 2008

101 Uses

for a baby swing! Well I guess we aren't up to 101 yet, but Ty has been awfully creative in his uses of the swing this week. See below! Yes, with all this chewing on random things teething has come our way. It started Wednesday night and we saw the small hole in his gum yesterday morning. As of this morning I can feel the tooth right under the surface but Ty hasn't let me see his gums yet. Stay tuned for the pictures!

Bucky is back home after another ten day trip into the field. What perfect timing with the onset of teething! I also found a recipient for the large stash of milk I had in the freezer (101 ounces to be exact!). Her name is Hailey and she has been adopted by a family about 30 minutes from here. She was failing to thrive on all types of formula, and has been a different babe since switching to breast milk. I'm now pumping for her too and am officially a milk donor and her "milk mama"!

Woops, he moves quickly!

I like to think it's me...


Anonymous said...

WE'll be able to see that tooth right away with that big grin of his. He's so darn cute! I love the pictures of your other two boys. Precious! My new code name is GA. Unfortunately Ty has three other GAs so if my sisters catch on I'll have to think of something else!

Anonymous said...




GA3 ? ? ?


Meredith, Bucky and Ty said...

Well since you are the only GA who posts I think you get to use the title!! I know, horrible digs to get others to comment. We love to read them!

Justin and Barbara said...

Okay...I will comment too!! :) I LOVE the pics. I can't believe what a little man he is becoming. Carter is very jealous that Ty will have teeth to start working on that new food next month!! :)