We officially own our new house now. Cleaning and moving begins tomorrow! We had a great time in Vail this past weekend. Too short, but lots of fun. A few more winters and Ty will get his own pair of skis. :)

Ty has mastered the military crawl, and is getting around the house these days. Once he figured that out he has really stopped trying to crawl on all fours. He's working on pushing himself up to a sit as well. He has been obsessed with seeing what is over the edges of high places such as beds, couches, and changing tables (you can imagine the fun there!) as well as new textures around the house. He is kind of starting to eat, but it has to be on his own unassisted. Spears of sweet potato and banana have worked so far, but I'm sure he won't be eating much until he masters the pincer grab. He doesn't quite have it yet!
Hope all is well with everyone. We've been enjoying some warm and sunny weather out here. Hope it continues. Yeah for spring!