Ty's first front tooth is almost through. It started breaking through the gum, but is still taking its sweet time. He has perfected the belly crawl and now makes his way through the house. He is amazed at all the new "toys" he is finding. The dogs are amazed at how quickly he finds them when they get up and move!
We are heading to Colorado this weekend for a visit with Bailey, Chris, and Allison who are in town as well as Jenney. Next week Nana comes to visit right after we close on the house. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it!
Ty loves the dining room because of the floors. :)
Thanks Heather, we love the book!
Yes, we found our toes a few weeks ago and like to say hello often.
By hello, I mean teething on them.
Any resemblance?
Slowly perfecting downward dog.
Indy gets some love.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Yay! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!
Well, that's news! What kind of house? When is the move in day? What a tease ... tell us you're buying a house and leave out all the details!!!!!! I'll have to get the whole scoop when Sandy gets home! Congratulations! I'll try not to be sad that the house isn't in New England!!!! I didn't think it was possible but Ty has grown even cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you guys. GA
wow! I guess this means the cousins might have to make a trip out there within the next few years if you won't be around here! As always Ty is addorible! and Bucky shaved! looks good!
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