Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mr. Baldie

It's official, Ty is losing his hair!! It's been slowly thinning, but now the receding hairline is getting pretty funny. Since his adolescent acne is starting to resolve, he must have thought the next stage was mature adult and balding! The peach fuzz growing back in seems just as dark, so who knows if he'll ever become a blondie.

For all you lovers of baggie jeans...

This is Ty's response to the old man, balding comments!

Ty's new ride these days.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hot to Cold

It's gone from hot to cold here in Utah. We had mountain snow Sunday night, and a frost last night. Luckily it's supposed to be back in the 70's and 80's by the end of the week! Here's the view from our road (click on the pictures if you want to enlarge). It's gorgeous to see the fall color at the base of the mountains and the snow on the top!

Since this is Ty's blog, I had to sneak him in here (sort of). These are pictures from our daily walking route.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Silly Faces

Ty was throwing out the funniest faces after his bath today. Couldn't resist posting all of them, even the bug and cross-eyed shots! PS- Check out the newly formed and growing double chin!

Favorite Things

Ty loves hanging out and watching the world in his vibe chair (thanks Hammah and Poppop!!)

He also loves tummy time on the couch where he can push off with his feet!

Monday, September 17, 2007

First Smiles!

Of course we didn't capture it on camera, but Ty directed his first smiles tonight at Bucky. Apparently he's ticklish!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bye Beth!

We had to say good-bye to Beth this afternoon. :( We had some success in capturing Ty's smiles as he drifts off to sleep. We didn't get the complete smile, but you get the picture. Sure can't wait until he is smiling at us!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More Auntie Photos

Here are a few more from last night and this morning. The last pic isn't the best, but it was still too cute not to post. (Nana and Grampa: click on the picture to enlarge it and you can see Ty trying to get his fingers) Ty must be really trying to impress his aunt, as he has been a non-stop cuddler since she arrived. Enjoy!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Auntie Beth has arrived!

For any gap in posting, we've made up in quantity :-). Beth has arrived and is a fabulous photographer. We went hiking at Snow Basin today and also took lots of shots around the house. More to come....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Family Pics

Nana and Grampa left this morning, but not before we could get a few final shots in.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Grampa Time

Grampa realized today that he had only held Ty once. He quickly scooped him up, but then passed him off when he began to fuss! Sorry Nana...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Fun Day

Can we say someone has been taken advantage of? The boys LOVE Grampa!

We enjoyed the Riverwalk along Ogden River yesterday as well.

Ty and Nana had some cuddle time after the tiring walk!