Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Six Months Old!

Didn't I just post saying he was four months old? Ty is a hefty 18 pounds 5 ounces now, and yes aunts that is mostly in his thighs! :) He is still just staying on all fours and hasn't figured out how to move more than one arm or leg at a time. It is too cute though when he moves one arm forward then can't figure out where to go from there!

This is a video post again. The last two are a bit of ghetto videography, but it's what happens when Bucky is out of town and I want to get something on video. Enjoy!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

We meant to post yesterday, so sorry it is no longer valentine's day! We've had some warm and sunny weather resulting in melting snow banks. Yeah! Still no new teeth. I keep waiting patiently while Ty's sleep keeps getting worse. Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer.

Can you see me?

Hmm, where's my toy?

Go Cougs!

Ty stayed awake for a full hour on our first walk after the big melt! He has always sacked out after 20 minutes before. He was happy to walk too.

Thanks for the snowsuit Nana!

Snowbanks after two days of melting. Should of taken a picture before!

On our walk.

Our street.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Teeth are Coming!

We have snow banks higher than your head and Ty has more teeth coming! We've had some restless nights lately due to those darn teeth. The top two are on the move and then hopefully we will have a teething lull for a little while (at least a day please!). Ty weighed in today at 18 pounds fully clothed!

Ty trying out his friend Torin's jumparoo. This smile is when he figured out it bounces! :)

Possibly the cutest baby pose ever. After a bath and sitting up.

The dogs have to work hard to get in and out.

Our backyard. Front of the house pictures soon to come.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Naked Baby Update!

It was about time to take more naked baby pics to fully embarrass Ty later in life. Here they are! Ty's attempts at crawling are coming along, but who knows when he'll put all the pieces together. He did finally remember that he can roll from his belly to back, and now combines both directions of rolling to get off the blanket while playing. He obviously wants to move, and this is the one way he can! Not too much to report other than MORE snow is coming down right now. The snow banks are higher than your head in some spots and that is before the 10+ inches they're predicting today. This is the most snow Utah has had in several decades!

Ty so conveniently plays with himself during bath time now that I didn't even have to do any editing!

"You lookin' at me?"

Gotta love the thighs!