Tuesday, January 29, 2008


At long last, I've had the opportunity to both download videos to my computer and upload them to the blog. Sue and Tom gave us a wonderful video camera for Christmas (thank you, thank you!!) and we've been having a blast capturing all of Ty's silly antics. Well we try, but more often than not the behavior is over once the camera is turned on. Here are a few "best of" videos from our collection. Enjoy!

PS- Make sure your sound is on for these!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Ty now has two teeth! The second came in overnight and is just barely above the gum today. It is amazing how quickly the other one is already rising. We can't wait to take pictures when both teeth are visible! Not too much else going on except the possibility of almost two feet of snow tonight and tomorrow. Nothing yet, so we'll see if the predictions are correct. Sully and I had a fun snowshoe yesterday in the sunny 30 degree weather. Pictures are below. Hope all is well!!

Like the drool??

Can you see my teeth in the picture? (click on the picture to see them!)

We had so many comments about Ty's thighs over Christmas that I thought an updated shot should be taken.

Friday, January 25, 2008

101 Uses

for a baby swing! Well I guess we aren't up to 101 yet, but Ty has been awfully creative in his uses of the swing this week. See below! Yes, with all this chewing on random things teething has come our way. It started Wednesday night and we saw the small hole in his gum yesterday morning. As of this morning I can feel the tooth right under the surface but Ty hasn't let me see his gums yet. Stay tuned for the pictures!

Bucky is back home after another ten day trip into the field. What perfect timing with the onset of teething! I also found a recipient for the large stash of milk I had in the freezer (101 ounces to be exact!). Her name is Hailey and she has been adopted by a family about 30 minutes from here. She was failing to thrive on all types of formula, and has been a different babe since switching to breast milk. I'm now pumping for her too and am officially a milk donor and her "milk mama"!

Woops, he moves quickly!

I like to think it's me...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandad!

Happy birthday GD! Ty misses you tons!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Time For Everything

We knew it would happen at some point...Ty's first illness and my first official freak-out as a mum. Monday night Ty came down with croup. I had no idea what it was, just knew that he was hacking, wheezing and struggling for breath. Luckily that only lasted for a few minutes, but would start back up again if he wasn't upright. Of course Bucky is out in the field (but luckily available by phone!) so we decided to take him to the ER. He is on the mend now and has not had an episode nearly as bad as the first! The croup cough is almost gone and he is now left with general congestion. We'll be glad when that is over too!

He is still a happy guy, just waking up more often at night. He's still spending a lot of time working out on the floor (hence all the pics being from that angle) and can get all the way up on his hands and knees for a split second (no pic of that yet). I'm trying to cherish his "stationary" time now since it seems that won't last much longer!

Teething is coming too, but who knows how quickly. You can now see the outlines of the two bottom teeth, but nothing popping through the gums yet nor does he seem bothered by it.

Look Mom, no hands!

Ty at the end of a giggle fit from watching the dogs. Should have put a bib on him!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lots and lots of snow!

The title says it all. Almost a foot and a half of snow since yesterday morning. More expected today! I haven't seen a snowfall like this since living in New England...almost ten years ago!! It's a good thing Nana bought Ty a sled for Christmas. Once the snow stops falling we can go on a walk!

This was shovelled just a few hours before...

The snow bank the dogs have to leap over to get back into the house. Our metal roof creates quite the pile of snow!

Ty has been loving spending time on his tummy the last few days. He has learned how to get his knees under him for a few seconds at a time, so that's all he does. He has figured out rolling back to front, front to back now but doesn't seem to care. Getting himself off the ground has been taking the priority.

We had a great visit with Pattie and Rachel. Went out to Antelope Island on the salt lake where they have (you guessed it) antelope and also buffalo. Didn't see any antelope, but saw tons of buffalo and a bald eagle!

Yes, buffalo way out in the distance. You can click on the pic to enlarge it. We did see some close to the car but stupidly didn't take any pictures. :(

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jealous Dad

Bucky was a bit jealous of Ty's abilities (see earlier Rubiks Cube post) and had to give the cube a whirl. He claims we shouldn't be giving the baby credit for his work. He just doesn't realize who has the brains in the family.

PS- Make sure you turn your sound on!


Ty learned to drop toys today and watch while Rachel gave them back. She caught him twice on video. Hopefully everyone can view these!

Bundled Up

Fun series from Rachel!

The Rubik's Cube

A fun series Rachel took today. Of course his parents are quite proud! :)

Happy Holidays!

Sorry we're sending warm wishes a bit late! It's been a busy few weeks with a wonderful trip back east to both Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. We are back in Utah now and have two good friends Pattie and Rachel visiting from Hawaii. Enjoy the pics, but sure wish we had taken more. There are a lot of people missing. :(