Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

First of all, I have to say that these pictures don't even come close to doing this costume justice. Not only is the costume adorable, but we call Ty monkey all the time. The perfect costume for his first year of trick or treating. We had a great day today. Sophie and Ty dressed up this afternoon for a few pictures around the house, then we had studio shots taken. In the evening we got together with friends and did some, well 4 houses worth, of trick or treating. It was a great way to end the week, and I even think Ty enjoyed the costume and definitely the kit kat!

Running back to Mom (our favorite shot).

Ty's very first trick or treat house.

Kristi's house where she hands out king size candy bars for everyone! As you can imagine she is quite popular!

Kristi's little monkey Ash, who just hit three months old.

Ty, Gretchen, and Sophie

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The New Trend

I know this is just the beginning of the millions of trends Ty will go through during his life. I have to say, this may be the cutest though! It all started before we went to North Carolina and Ty decided to start sitting in one of his toy baskets. Well he quickly broke that one! He then started sitting in everything else he could find, and does so on a daily basis. I've captured a few moments on camera. As a result he has discovered he LOVES one of his toy baskets and every morning dumps the toys out (that I put back in the basket the night before) and then pulls the basket throughout the house all day long. One of these days I'll catch it on video and post it! Hope all is well!! xoxo

The fire wood bucket in North Carolina

Couldn't quite figure out how to get into that box, but still enjoyed sitting on it!

His favorite basket!!

He was pulling both the basket and the box until I started snapping photos.

Heading into the living room.

Stopping to pet the dog.

What could be in the kitchen?

And some bonus photos of lasagna night! I made the mozzarella and ricotta and a friend grew the spinach. Yum! We all enjoyed it, especially Ty.


Ty's first encounter with his own cup. He has been drinking out of ours for a few months, but this night we gave him his own and let him guide it himself.

As you can see he thoroughly enjoyed drinking and pouring the water everywhere!

A full view of the water "damage".

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Barnyard Boo

After a snowy last weekend, it warmed up into the 70's for a great day yesterday. We headed to Salt Lake and hit the last farmer's market of the season. We then headed over to watch U of U in their huge football stadium which lasted all of 1.5 quarters until Ty melted down for nap time. Luckily there was plenty of time to nap while we drove south of Salt Lake to Thanksgiving Point and the Barnyard Boo. Thanksgiving Point is a huge complex with everything from an Imax theater to, you guessed it, a barnyard! They had tons of farm animals and plenty of activities. Ty was in heaven watching all the animals, and they all come right up to you begging for food. He even got his fingers nibbled by a goat kid! It was a great day and we were all sad it had to come to an end!


Feeding the goat kid.

Amazed at all the animals

A llama!

Who was very friendly

A big Percheron,

and possibly Ty's favorite (mostly for their noses pushed through the fence), pigs!

Bucky and Ty stood in line for 45 minutes for this very fun balloon sword!

Loving the sword

The last picture of the sword before...

he fell on it not five minutes after they got it! Oh well, it was worth it and Ty still had some fun with the deflated balloon!

I had been standing in line for the pony rides! Mounting the pony and yes doing something I never would have dreamed doing...letting my son ride a horse without a helmet.

Concentrating very, very hard but LOVING it.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Really? You're kidding me?!

We had out first storm of the winter this weekend, and the reports are we received 8 inches of snow! Luckily the snow has stopped, no large branches fell on our house (we haven't lost any leaves yet), and it is already melting. It's supposed to be in the 70's next weekend. :) I went to a baby shower this afternoon while the snow was really falling, so Ty and Bucky played in the snow and built Ty's first snow-baby. I also posted pics of our trip to North Carolina last week. We had a great trip attending Bucky's cousin's wedding. It was gorgeous in the mountains and we wished we could have stayed a bit longer.

As for Ty, he is talking and talking. He mimics new words almost daily and has become a sign language fool. Between signing and talking, we can tell exactly what he wants. That's always nice...except when he desperatly wants that beautiful toy while sitting in his high chair with his hands covered in maranara sauce. :)

VERY upset the fun in the snow was over.

So they carved our pumpkin!

Or just played with the seeds.

Ty and Big Granny

Ty and Sue

He LOVED this mouse (we must have been there for 15 minutes just playing with the mouse)

Ty and Tom

Sporting his new Carrharts

The River House

The river

Ceremony site

Three TBJ's

Julie entertained Ty the entire ceremony with a leaf.

Julie and Ty

Back in SLC