Thursday, November 29, 2007

And the rolling has begun!!

Ty has finally learned to roll over! I say finally because he has been getting increasingly more frustrated each time he's on his tummy. He was getting so close up until yesterday that you could tell he really wanted to get it! When I first put him down yesterday he rolled over three times to his right. Boom, boom, boom like he always knew how to do it. We tried again in the afternoon and he went for the left side. Ty is clearly a rightie because that side is far harder. I caught the action in photos it was so slow. See below!

Here I go, teetering on my side...

Shoot, I'm stuck. Can't quite figure out what to do now...

(three minutes later) Whew I made it!!

The view is great from up here!

Ty snug as a bug for our walk yesterday. It's getting cold!

We finally had some snow! The resorts have started making snow since its been so dry. We have our first snowboarding visitors coming for New Years. Yeah Pattie and Rachel!! Anyone else? We live 20 miles from the "Best Snow on Earth"!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Where's My Bottom Lip?

Ty's newest trick this week is sucking on his bottom lip when he's not chatting with you. It is pretty funny looking, and he is doing it more every day. Here's a picture of Ty not sucking on the lip so you have a clear picture of what he normally looks like...

And here is the lip sucking!

A bonus shot and another "he's going to hate you in 20 years for that photo"! This was taken while trying to capture the lip sucking. It is too funny not to post (too bad it's fuzzy)!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Day Photos

Some pictures from Ty's first Thanksgiving...

The boys and the table.

Ty wanting his Thanksgiving dinner NOW!

Ahh, full belly.

Ty loves to stand, and here he is showing off his skills. I think that's why he loves his exer-saucer so much. It's standing with fun things to look at!

He's getting really good at it too!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday so far! We'll take some Thanksgiving specific photos later, but I couldn't resist posting these while there is time. The first picture was during some quality tummy time with the whole family. I promise I didn't stage this picture and couldn't believe I was able to get up, grab my camera, and come back to the same scene! The boys love their little brother!

One of my favorite times of the day is while I am eating breakfast and Ty chats non-stop with me. We called Nana the other morning and she heard just how vocal he is these days. Last week Ty discovered the high octaves of his vocal cords, so now it is up and down the scales of cooing! I'm still horrible at catching smiles with the delay in our camera, so this is the best I can do. :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ty LOVES Football!

We don't know if it's the contrasting colors or constant action on the screen, but Ty loves to watch football! For all you New England fans it's not just the Patriots (sorry, although he was particularly vocal last night), it is any football team. Ty had a blast watching and cheering for the Pats last night. We were in and out of the living room fixing dinner and always knew when the game was back on because Ty started cooing and laughing. When he would get tired and fussy, he kept seeing the game and became happy all over. It was quite a funny night watching him.

Yeah, I can finally fit into the overalls Hammah and Poppop gave me!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bath Time

Barbara and I have been trying to compare chubby baby bodies lately. She recently released some naked Carter bath pics, so solely for the sake of comparing :) we had too as well! To save Ty's dignity, as well as not be accused of any illegal kiddie site, we did some editing on the first photo. Can you tell Ty enjoys eating?

I'm not so sure how I feel about being all clean.

The matching slippers!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Photos from Beth

Beth sent us her photos from our trip as well as a cute video of Ty. I attached one of Mom and Ty as we don't have many of those. Enjoy!

Turn your sound up higher to hear this one.

Weekend in Boise

We had a great weekend in Boise, although I am positive Bucky will never attend an entire agility weekend again! Hammah flew in from Pennsylvania, and saw an entirely different Ty from when he was 4 days old. Our friends Julie and April from Moscow, ID and Kelly and Frederick from Asotin, WA came down for the trial. Everyone did really well! We also saw Aileen and Pat who now live in Boise. They are getting their very own puppy next month once he's eight weeks old!!

Hammah and a snoozing Ty

Ty staying snuggly warm with Dad

Aileen, Pat and Josie (Ty was sleeping so Josie stepped in for the big pose)

Ty and Dad

Frederick, Kelly, Julie, April and Ty

PS- Ty continues to amaze us with his traveling skills. He did great all weekend, as well as slept for the 4.5 hour drive there and back!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

We had a very nice birthday dinner tonight to celebrate Bucky's birthday. Tomorrow we hit the road to Boise for an action packed weekend. We are going to Meredith's first agility trial since June (woohoo!) and get to visit friends from Moscow/Pullman as well as Hammah! Hopefully there will be plenty of pictures to post.

Ty is getting stronger and can finally sit in the Exer-Saucer. He loves it! He spent 45 minutes in it today and was exhausted afterward, resulting in a second morning nap! He weighed in at a whopping 15 pounds this afternoon at the pediatrician's office!

After three years, the boys have finally learned how to share the big bag!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our Version of Fun

Sad, but true. This is what we did yesterday and had a blast! Do you think Ty is a future dog whisperer or horseback rider? Sully thought all was fine especially when he had a toy in his mouth. Indy wanted nothing to do with the riding but did cheer Ty on with lots of kisses.

Friday, November 2, 2007

More Vacation Shots

Ty and Cindi

Ty, Beth and Mike

I love Nana!

and I love Auntie Beth! Ty proceeded to talk and smile NON-STOP for at least 30 minutes after this photo. He was so loud I bet the neighbors could hear him!

New Advances

We're making progress in the baby world around here. Yesterday Ty found his thumb! He only sucked on it for a few seconds each time, so no picture yet. He starts by sticking his fist in his mouth then pulling out the other fingers. It is too cute. He also has started lifting his head higher and longer while on his tummy. See the shot below. It's also a good picture to see the status of his balding! What a slow process.

Couldn't resist this picture!

Hey, no cameras. I'm having a bad hair day!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Tyger!

Photos from yesterday